Aug 27Liked by Jade Brooke-Langham

Also in same situation here (and after ivf too). I’m reading this whilst BF! Creativity and matresence is something to ponder. The thrust of my Substack may evolve. I have Lucy Jones’ book on my table right now as well 🙏 Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this - it’s helpful to know how others are navigating 💕

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My work is about to enter a new season as well and I’m mulling some of the same questions. Finding ways to tend to one’s interior life during times when we are also tending another being or community more intensely is an ongoing theme for me. I know many other writers who have felt disoriented during the matrescence process in terms of how to preserve their creative practice. It does get better. (And it’s also totally OK to binge-watch TV while you BF in the meantime, imho.) I have found being able to send and receive voice memos with other parents while walking or washing up, then transcribing them, has been a lovely way to preserve both creativity and connection during this time. Wishing you luck as you feel your way to what works for you.

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It's funny you should use the word 'matrescence' Ryan (don't you just love how the computer doesn't recognise it as a word?!) as I only came across it this year and am currently listening to the audiobook of Lucy Jones by the same name - fascinating stuff so far and beautifully written and narrated by the author. It's strange with my poetry, I once was totally 'out there' with it, Instagram account, open mics, completely fearless in my approach but then I started trying to be 'recognised' in some way entering competitions and over analysing my work to fit in with what I thought they were looking for. It also meant that I would hold back from public sharing so that I had 'previously unpublished' pieces to enter - which seems to be the antithesis of creativity. Now vowing to myself to just write, just share and show my son that doing what you love can be just that. Also LOVE a voice memo and a really long substack comment obviously! :)

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